Idsc Design's profile

Zé, O Confinado

"Zé, O Confinado"
- Stamps collection about 
the COVID-19 confinement

COVID-19 as brought us some scary moments. 
I made this stamps to help bring a smile on our faces. 
Hope you like it!
This is Zé!

He has no routine and is increasingly lazy to cook so he always opts for fast-food. 
He is fed up with his neighbors and the internet that is always failing. 
He wakes up every day after 1pm and spends the day laying of the couch watching the daily woes of the TV.
Friends, don’t be like Zé, get your ass up and be productive!
Check my Instagram page and contact me for new projects!
Zé, O Confinado


Zé, O Confinado
